Whatsapp 2.11.634 update
We talked before about WhatsApp Web for Android devices, but they are not the only ones, Windows Phone users can also enjoy by updating WhatsApp for Windows Phone , the new version 2.11.634 , which also brings the possibility to synchronize Whatsapp Web with our device and furthermore improvements and bug fixes. Once we’re inside WhatsApp Web , we see that its interface is very minimalist, from which we can chat and access the chat history we already have in our device, show our profile and status, send photos and videos, and receive message notifications on our computer, which means that a handful of applications used to do this work are out. How to install WhatsApp Web on your PC? The first thing you will need is to have at least version 2.11.634, you can download it from the link below. Once Installed we will see a new option appears in the menu of the application, it is “WhatsApp Web”. We click and a appears a QR code reader The next s...